On Sunday Morning, my hubby preached on Wasted Time... how there are seasons for everything. I know I get in my funks where I don't want to pray (yup, i know.. too honest again) or pick up my bible, or try to finish one of the 3 books I am reading at any given time. There is always one excuse or another. I can blame it on housekeeping, the kids, work, ministry, my I-phone (oooops, did I hit nerve, yup, I know... way tooo honest). But seriously.. it is all just wasting time. I decided last night before bed I was going to get up and pray, cook breakfast, make lunch's, get ready and be to work on time. It all sounded so good in my head. I did make breakfast and lunch's (and no it wasn't captain crunch & a $5 bill to grab something later) it was bacon, eggs and a turkey sandwich for lunch, But my prayer time... the thing that should of been more important than the food for my tummy... the food for my soul.. consisted of "God help me through the day" that's it.. YUP, I KNOW...what is that.. wasted time!! Instead of worrying about getting my make up on.. or making sure food is done (i know hubby needs his food).. I should of been worrying about getting closer to God. Its that season we are embarking on that is supposed to be a joyous time.. but the busyness of life overtakes us.. Shopping, parties, hosting.. yeah I do that all.. and instead of seeking HIM.. that he is going to give me the strength to do it all, I waste time on foolish things..even on a simple text to say "I miss you to my hubby" on his way to work.
Its a time for all of us to start taking our relationship with God seriously.. or is that just me.. I feel that sometimes.. that I will never be good enough. But I can say that I am going to seek him for help on my wasted time.. Time for the nitty gritty of getting closer to MY GOD.. he is the reason for this season.
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