I have been asked multiple times "why haven't you updated your blog" Good question... not so easy an answer. This last weekend my hubby and I were blessed to be able to go to Pismo Beach for a Marrieds Retreat. Everything was coming against us not going, to the point of the day before a family member not having enough money to pay rent and asking for help, then J saying yes, so should be reconsider going and spending extra money? But we stepped out and went anyways. And boy are we glad we did. See the last few months Jess and I have been on "Neutral" with our walk with God. Not deep in sin or so we thought, but just not moving forward, on the calling we have been called to and that is to Love Jesus & See Souls Saved. Its like we always (or at least speaking for myself) get soo far in ministry and then its like this cloud covers over me. I forget who I am and what I was saved from. I start looking around and not at myself, and that is such an ugly place to be because I forget about J.O.Y. (Jesus, Others, You) and in doing so I puts me in a "Neutral" stage.. I don't worry about the flock God has given us to work with or the needs of the Church. Now that is a total sin because its, in my opinion is full on rebellion. Its funny the first sermon at the retreat wasn't revelation, but simple to the point of saying if our marriage fails what will be the focal point for our kids to see us making it. And the lightbulb went off on me with my salvation and ministry... goes hand in hand since we are supposed to be married to the church, what will the people in church (baby christians) focal point be if we backslid or go in "Neutral" The final sermon also put the final nudge on me, talking about smoke damage (like from a fire) Smoke damage can be smelled on for a long time even after the fire has burned out... and I don't want that lingering on me like some stinky ugly thought of yesterdays defeats. No I want that FIRE - God's Fire like with Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-Nego were in that had no smoke damage, becuase of faithfulness!! I guess its time to step out in faith and not look to the left nor to the right but on to Jesus to the finish line.
I will be posting more often, no excuses anymore!!!
1 Peter 1:7
that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ,
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