Monday, November 3, 2014


Its only been a couple of weeks since my last entry but seems like forever ago. Whereever do I begin. We just got over Halloween, not that we celebrate it, but use it as an instrument to see souls saved. Our youth group that we call Young D.O.G.s (disciples of God) really got into it. 3 of them have jobs and called in or asked for the time off just to make sure they made practice and the put 100% into it, the others are in sports so would come directly out of practice worn out but ready to serve!! The drama could not of happened without these kids. I am so proud to be part of what is going on in their lives. 
So the Saturday before Jesse and I woke up early to pray a special prayer (yup, i know... it should always be special when we pray) but what you don't know is it seems like everytime we try to do something for God ... those fiery darts start taking aim (its usually me and my OCD.. i want it my way, my time or forget about it) yup, I know tooo much information.. But my hubby is so aware of these darts that he prepares mentally not only for them but for me. That sounds so horrible, I mean I eventually give in to him and his leadership skills, sometimes kicking and screaming (in our home, i'm not that crazy to do it in front of people) I would never belittle my husband like that. But does that make it or me any better NO.. I am a work in progress and will be the first to admit of all my flaws. My heart is being molded everyday for "his" glory. Okay back to my story...Saturday, we had originally planned to be at the church at like 9 am, yeah didn't happen, i had 4 teenagers stay over and the night before was our annual harvesters at our mother church in Santa Monica, needless to say, we slept in with much needed sleep. So by the time we got to the church it was lunch, the girls went and grabbed a pizza while Jess worked on all the lights we would be needing for the drama and I worked on getting some sort of curtain put up. 

The next 3 days were filled with us being at the church what seemed liked 24/7 (yup, i know... over exaggerating) But by Wednesday Night... everything came together.. the practicing

 ..the outreaching 

.. all built up for that one moment....

 souls being saved!!!! 6 souls came to the decision of salvation. All Glory to God...I failed to mention, Jesse and I stayed up Sunday night till Midnight trying to get a punch for this drama... and we got it... it finally came together at our last practice on Tuesday. See we may not have the greatest talent or most money to do extravagant dramas, but our little church and our people have BIG hearts for souls and  God sees and uses that for his glory.. WOW, if he could use Port Hueneme for this..How much more can he do in your city if you allow him?? 
After an exhausting week (well worth it) November 1st.. we went to church cleaning, was home by noon and layed around all day..

 We haven't done that in months.. and it was sooo nice. Well, its Monday back to the grind at Work, Follow up on some new souls added to the kingdom.. ohhh and begin planning the annual desert exchange for the women of our congregation. Have an awesome week!!! Be thankful this month!!

Mathew 9:37
Then he said to his Discples "The Harvest is truly plentiful, but the laborers are few"

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